27 Apr Trials Checklist: How to Study
Did you know that your study environment and organisation skills are two of the most important things that will determine your academic success?
You’re nearly there! You will achieve your goals through consistency, plain and simple. Here’s our checklist to get you through these holidays: see if you’re on the right track and where you can make some adjustments to your weekly routine.
Keep an organised study space every day, and you’ll see that your mind will stay organised too. Here are some questions to think about:
- Do you have your own space set up for concentration? Comfortable, but not too comfortable?
- Is the chair you sit on comfortable and with good back support? (Remember, don’t lie on the floor for long periods of time)
- Do you have a desk or table all to yourself?
- Is your study space well lit, with plenty of fresh air?
- Do you have a noticeboard or mirror to keep notes or reminders on?
- Can you shut out noise from the household?
- What changes can you make to improve your study space?
Make the changes if you need to, and see how much better you’ll feel when you study.
Everyone needs a way of organising homework and study in order to appropriately complete revision for each subject.
A great tip is to follow a Maths based subject (Maths, Physics, Engineering, etc) with a language based subject (English, History, Geography). In this way, both sides of your brain are used alternately and lessen the chances of mental fatigue. Head to this blog post for tips on how to create your own study timetable.
The best way to remember facts is to use mnemonics. When revising, make up mnemonics or draw up mind maps for each subject topic.
Organise the material you need to remember into a saying or word using the first letters of the facts. Then match the facts to the mnemonics – recall will become so much easier!