24 Aug Help! Which HSC exam do I study for first?
We hear you! Your trials are done and dusted, and you’re counting down to the HSC exams.
So how do you work out which exam to study for first?
#1 Some task-switching is required
English paper 1 is usually the first on the HSC exam schedule for most students, so it’s logical to begin studying for that. But make sure it doesn’t take up all your time! You need to start reviewing the subjects that come up earlier in the exam period of course, but all the while, you must allow for time to study the subjects that come later in the exam period. This will stop you from feeling overwhelmed as soon as that first paper is done.
#2 Create a flexible study plan
Map out a study timetable that allocates time for each subject according to when the exams will occur. This is why a weekly study timetable where you cover content from ALL of your subject every week is so useful – we’ve got a blog to help write up your own study timetable here. Be flexible and feel free to adjust your study and timetable as you go if you feel you need more time for certain topics.
#3 Review and keep refining
Once you’ve made some headway with your first exam’s material, shift gears by studying for your second and third exams and so on. Mix it up, and study for your last exam. As you knock off the exams one by one, keep adjusting your timetable as you go to accomodate more study time for your remaining exams. This will help you to feel organised and feel less stressed.
#4 Practice transitioning between subjects
Your exams consist of a variety of subjects – from English, Maths, Science, Arts, Tech, etc. You need to train your brain to switch between content smoothly. It’s a good idea to try alternating study sessions between different subjects throughout the week so you get used to changing focus and changing up content. This will start to feel natural as you go, and you’ll feel more at ease with putting on a different hat with your studies from one subject to the next without losing momentum or procrastinating.
By following these tips, you’ll stay on top of your study while keeping your stress levels manageable. Good luck!